the story...

In early-2019 a group of three comedy performers were on deck for a small talent show fundraiser in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Just a few minutes before taking the stage, the emcees approached them asking what they wanted to be called. After discussing briefly and tossing around a few joke suggestions, the three settled on a movie pun, tipping their hat to Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Not five minutes later, the emcees introduced for the first time anywhere, Scriptless in Seattle.

Today, years later, Scriptless in Seattle brings the excitement of live, unscripted performances to your Clarksville. With a style reminiscent of the beloved show "Whose Line Is It Anyway," they offer a unique blend of hilarious sketches, improvised musicals, game shows, film noir, and so much more. Get ready to witness family-friendly comedy magic unfold before your eyes! No two shows are ever the same, ensuring an evening filled with surprises, laughter, and memorable moments.

the folks...

Justin Folger

Justin Folger has been doing improv comedy for over 6 years and is the group manager and founder of Scriptless in Seattle. He has never seen the movie Sleepless in Seattle, though he relates to the title, as he has not slept in months. If he keeps at his current pace, he and his father could go hairline for hairline. When he’s not doing improv, he does other things like marketing consulting, singing, coaching swim teams, and grad school (not in any particular order). Justin is from Cleveland, Ohio and is fiercely passionate about this. Ohio is truly the heart of it all. OH! ___! He’s thrilled to be doing what he loves on the road! Col. 3:22-24

Charlie Hubbell

Charlie is the resident music hippie of Scriptless in Seattle. He is a music teacher that can work with anything from a tuba to a tin can. He loves the music games, particularly Irish Drinking Song and hates it whenever he is asked to speak in Spanish. Charlie lives in Vermont which he wishes had seceded from the union to join Canada back in 2020 when it had the chance.

David Olinger

This bio is for David Olinger, also sometimes called Tall David. Tall David comes from the land of Philadelphia and is a programmer by trade, but he also enjoys doing any hobbies he finds interesting. From basketball to Dungeons and Dragons, Super Smash Brothers to rope dart, and of course improv comedy. If you still don’t know enough about him, his favorite food is the taco, he accidentally wears shirts inside out some times (about once a month), and his favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:30-31

Ben Smith

Ben Smith hails from Xenia, OH. He absolutely loves improv and always loves to learn new games. He has done theater and debate before as well and loves how improv combines aspects of each with comedy. His favorite things are animals, food, computers, camping, astronomy, D&D, friends, and music— but especially all at once. If he had to pick one ice cream flavor to keep, and the rest be banned, he would keep coffee cookies and cream.

Randy Johr

Randy E. Johr is a happily married man with an incredibly useful English degree. Due to the overwhelming number of options he could have taken with his lucrative career, he decided to simplify things and become an improve comedian. When he isn't reading Dostoevsky or doing shows, he enjoys hitting trees on the disc golf course and identifying trees by their leaf shape.

Eli Popik

Eli is a graduate student at Cedarville University and future minister. He tries to embody an old man with ADHD, spending his time crocheting and attempting to pet wild animals. He enjoys anything outdoors and loves spending time with friends and playing cards with his family. He hopes that he can continue to make people laugh through improv as well as build them up through preaching and future ministry endeavors. His favorite game is political debate and will gladly debate anything and everything. If you'd like you can follow him on Instagram @epopik16

James Trombka

James Trombka has done improv for over 7 years and when he’s not up performing in front of a crowd works as an Accessibility Specialist at Kent State University. His current favorite game is Telephony. He enjoys reading, acting, theater, modeling, nature, photography, kayaking, and taking moonlit walks along the beach. For more of his zaniness outside of improv, feel free to follow his Instagram @jtromdawg